1615 - 1645, May 21, 2016 (Saturday)
Lecture Room A, 4th Floor, The 3rd General Building, NTHU
(清華大學綜合三館 4樓A演講室)
Synchronization of Coupled Cells
Jui-Pin Tseng ( National Chengchi University )

In this talk, we present a novel approach to establish synchronization of coupled cells and coupled systems.  
Under this approach, individual subsystems can be non-autonomous, and the coupling configuration is rather
general. With an iteration scheme, the problem of synchronization is transformed into solving a corresponding
linear system of algebraic equations. Subsequently, delay-dependent and delay-independent criteria for global
synchronization can be established. We start by considering a cell-to-cell system under symmetric coupling to
present the main idea of the approach. The framework is then extended to the N-cell system. The developed
scheme can accommodate a wide range of coupled systems.

We demonstrate the applications of the present approach to establish synchronization for a gene regulation model
and a neuronal model. This is a joint work with Chih-Wen Shih (NCTU).