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NCTS Probability Seminar
10:30 - 12:00, April 13, 2022 (Wednesday)
Seminar Room 1, Guo Fu Building, NCCU
(政治大學果夫樓 研討室一)
A Brief Introduction to First-passage Percolation
Wai Kit Lam (National Taiwan University)


First-passage percolation (FPP), introduced by Hammersley and Welsh in the 60s, is a model that describes fluid flow in a porous medium. Mathematically, one considers the integer lattice with nearest neighbor edges, puts i.i.d. nonnegative weights on the edges, and studies the induced (pseudo)metric. Our main goal is to understand the large scale geometry of this random metric space. In the first talk, we will study the asymptotic behavior of a metric ball as the radius tends to infinity. We prove the so-called “shape theorem”, which tells us that a large ball, after rescaled properly, will tend to a deterministic limit shape. If time allows, we will also discuss some known results about the limit shape, and talk about some related open problems.



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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences