R440, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 440室)
The Linear Stability of the Schwarzschild Solution to Gravitational Perturbations II (Following Dafermos-Holzegel- Rodnianski)
Ye-Kai Wang (National Cheng Kung University)
Mu-Tao Wang ( )
Ye-Kai Wang (Michigan State University)
Jordan Keller (Columbia University)
In their preprint (arXiv: 1601.06467v1), Dafermos-Holzegel- Rodnianski studies the linearized gravity on Schwarzschild spacetime in detail, obtaining new insights on both geometric and analytic aspects of the linearized vacuum Einstein equations. We plan to discuss
the equations in double null gauge,
construction of the characteristic initial data,
normalized solution and the characterization of the pure gauge + linearized Kerr solutions,
wave equation on Schwarzschild background (arXiv: 0811.0354),
the wave-type equations satisfied by the curvature components.