
The course will begin with tutorial sessions of two divided classes on the first day, for students with respective public health/biomedical and mathematics/natural sciences backgrounds, focusing on respective basic mathematics and infectious disease epidemiology knowledge required for modeling of infectious diseases, followed by combined interdisciplinary lectures and infectious disease issue-driven group discussion sessions. Computer labs will also be schedule in the first week for students to learn to use related software packages for computational work. Lecturers for the 2-week course include internationally well-known experts on modeling of infectious diseases from interdisciplinary backgrounds, as well as medical officers from Epidemic Intelligence Center, Taiwan Center for Disease Control and Prevention (TCDC).





另外,本課程會以綜合跨領域為目的,讓學員們透過分組討論方式以現今傳染病為主題嘗試進行簡單的建模研究,達成理論與實踐之間的串聯。本課程所邀請的講師均學有專長,包括具跨領域背景的國際知名傳染病建模專家,以及台灣疾病管制署(Taiwan CDC)的防疫醫師。