Application for 2024-2025 Research in Pairs
The National Center for Theoretical Sciences (hereafter referred to as NCTS) aims to invite groups of first-ratemathematicians to work on research projects of substantial impact at the NCTS, and thus establishes the NCTS Research in Pairs Program.
A Research Pair may consist of two to four members. Team members must not be affiliated with the same institution, and at least one member should be affiliated with institutions outside Taiwan. Members of the research pair can spend two to eight weeks in NCTS to conduct joint research and will be supported as visiting scholars of NCTS (round trip airfare is not included).
Calls for projects are announced every April, August, and December, and applicants from research fields related to NCTS Topical programs will be granted priority. Priority will be given to applicants in the following areas:
•Number Theory and Representation Theory
•Algebraic Geometry
•Differential Geometry and Geometric Analysis
•Differential Equations and Stochastic Analysis
•Scientific Computing
•Interdisciplinary Studies
Required Documents
To apply please send the following documents to (In the subject line please indicate “NCTS Research in Pairs”)
a.A formal cover letter
b.A detailed proposal of the project (not exceeding 10 pages)
•Overview, background, and known partial results of the proposed project
•Planned research activities of the participants before, during, and after their stay at the Center
•Expected outcome and results of the proposed project
•Past research collaborations among the participants
c.Curriculum Vitae of all the participants
Applications should be submitted well in advance of the proposed visit (preferably at least 3 months)
Contact: Lucy Chang. TEL: 02-3366-8811 Email: