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NCTS Interdisciplinary Research Seminar
14:20 - 17:20, October 27, 2017 (Friday)
R304, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 304室)
Theoretical Models of Ion Channels - How Math has helped Biologists
Ren-Shiang Chen (Tunghai University)


Although mathematical modelling has helped to illustrate the dynamics and mechanisms of a wide range of biological systems (from macroscopic ecological fluctuation to microscopic enzyme kinetics within a cell), many of those theoretical frameworks, together with parameters within the models, remain theoretical. The reason was that many of the biological systems are too complicated to be experimentally manipulated, or the parameters within the models are impossible to measure directly. I would argue in my talk that mathematical modelling of ion channels provides a unique opportunity that the imaginary relatives of biologists can be checked and grounded on the support of physical and chemical laws. I will briefly introduce essential information for theoreticians that want to study membrane proteins, which include ion channels, or even collaborate with experimental  biologists. In addition, I will discuss the concepts of ion channel gating and permeation, two fundamental issues that are under intensive investigation by channel biologists and theoreticians, working hand-in-hand.


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