be a rational prime,
-power and $P$ a non-constant irreducible polynomial in
. The notion of Drinfeld modular form is an analogue over
of that of elliptic modular form. On the other hand, following the analogy with
-adic elliptic modular forms, Vincent defined
-adic Drinfeld modular forms as the
-adic limits of Fourier expansions of Drinfeld modular forms. Numerical computations suggest that Drinfeld modular forms should enjoy deep
-adic structures comparable to the elliptic analogue, while at present their
-adic properties are far less well understood than the
-adic elliptic case.
In this series of talks, I will explain how basic properties of
-adic Drinfeld modular forms are obtained in a geometric way, using the duality theories of Taguchi for Drinfeld modules and finite
-modules. Key ingredients are the theory of canonical subgroups of Drinfeld modules with ordinary reduction and Hodge-Tate-Taguchi maps, which give torsion comparison isomorphisms between the etale and de Rham sides.