Lecture Room B, 4th Floor, The 3rd General Building, NTHU
(清華大學綜合三館 4樓B演講室)
Generic Finiteness of (n-2)-dimensional Central Configurations for Homogeneous Potentials with Integer Exponents (III)
Thiago Dias Oliveira Silva (National Tsing Hua University)
We will continue and finish this series of talks on central configurations for homogeneous potentials with integer exponents. We present a polynomial parametrization for central configurations of dimension n-k. Also, we give a criterion for the dimension of an arbitrary central configuration in terms of the Cayley-Menger determinant. Finally, by using the Jacobian Criterion from Algebraic Geometry, we prove generic finiteness with respect to the masses for (n-2)-dimensional central configurations in the n-body problem under homogeneous potentials with integer exponents.