Auditorium, 6F, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 六樓演講廳)
p-adic Hodge Theory via the Mysterious Curve
Jean-Marc Fontaine (Université Paris-Sud)
I will introduce the fundamental curve of
-adic Hodge theory constructed by Laurent Fargues and myself. I will explain the construction and main properties of this curve, and describe the classification of vector bundles on the curve. As applications, I will show how one can use this curve
(a) to introduce hierarchy of
-adic representations of the absolute Galois group of
of a
-adic field
, and
(b) to prove the main results of the arithmetic part of
-adic Hodge theory giving rise to a complete classification of the so called de Rham representations.
Abstract: events_1_1809044127125164.pdf