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NCTS Seminar on Differential Geometry at NCKU
13:10 - 15:00, October 25, 2018 (Thursday)
Room 3176, Department of Mathematics, NCKU
(成功大學數學系 3176室)
Energy Bound and First Pontryagin Number for Kapustin-Witten Solutions
Ryosuke Takahashi (National Cheng Kung University)


We will briefly introduce some background works on Kapustin-Witten equation and Witten's conjecture on the relation of its moduli space and Jones polynomials. We will prove Yang-Mills energy is bounded for the moduli space of Kapustin-Witten solutions on  with empty knot: 
for any . We will also discuss the formula and the boundedness for the first Pontryagin number for the moduli space of Kapustin-Witten solutions. 


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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences