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Seminars and Talks Conferences, Workshops and Special Events Courses and Lecture Series Taiwan Math. School

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10:30 - 11:30, June 18, 2015 (Thursday)
SA307, Science Building I, NYCU
(交通大學科學一館 307室)
Quenched self-averaging properties in spin glasses with Gaussian disorder
Wei-Kuo Chen (University of Minnesota)

In this talk, we will introduce a general spin glass model with Gaussian disorder and study quenched self-averaging properties of some physical quantities. These include the magnetization, the Hamiltonian and the cross overlap. As an example, we demonstrate how our results give quantitative upper bounds for the quenched self-averaging in the Edwards-Anderson model, the random field Ising model and the mixed p-spin model. Based on joint work with D. Panchenko.


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