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Seminars and Talks Conferences, Workshops and Special Events Courses and Lecture Series Taiwan Math. School

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NCTS Seminar on Mathematical Biology
14:00 - 16:00, October 25, 2019 (Friday)
Lecture Room B, 4th Floor, The 3rd General Building, NTHU
(清華大學綜合三館 4樓B演講室)
Mining Biomarkers from Wearable Device – A Novel Approach for Digital Data Analysis
Dung-Yang Lee (Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation)


10% - 25% off clinical trial costs could be reduced if digital technology were used to carry them out more efficiently. Using wearable devices for the remote collection of patient data during clinical trials will have the greatest impact on clinical trial operation. It can improve the patient experience, recruitment and bring clinical trials closer to the patient in a way that is more convenient for them. This speech will cover a novel statistical approach to mine biomarker from digital database that could be used to generate new insights about disease, patients and treatments. 


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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences