R201, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 201室)
Kuranishi Structure and Virtual Fundamental Cycle/chain Technique (I)
Kaoru Ono (RIMS, Kyoto University)
We will explain the construction of Kuranishi structure on moduli spaces of stable maps, following the motivation and abstract theory given in the lecture in October.
1. FOOO, Kuranishi structure, Pseudo-holomorphic curve and virtual fundamental chain: Part I arXiv:1503.0731
(I will not cover Part II: arXiv:1704.01848 this time.)
2. FOOO, Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo holomorphic disks, I arXiv:1710.01459
(I will not cover Part II: arXiv:1808.06106 this time.)
Part I: Kuranishi structure on a single space => virtual fundamental cycle/chain construction of Kuranishi structure for a single moduli space
Part II : a system of spaces of Kuranishi structures => algebraic structure construction of Kuranishi structures for a system of moduli spaces