Room 617, Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica
(中研院數學所 617室)
Crofton formula and Poincare formula in the three-dimensional Heisenberg group
Yen-Chang Huang (Xinyang Normal University)
In this talk, we will report our recent work related to CR Geometry and Integral Geometry. We will derive two formulae: Crofton formula and Poincaré formula. In the classical setting, the Euclidean plane, the first formula expresses the length of a curve as the expected value of a random straight line passing through the curve; the second formula represents the relation between the lengths of two curves and the integral of the numbers of their intersections. We have the similar results for those formulae in the Heisenberg group via the method of the moving frames. This is the joint work with Hung-Lin Chiu.