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Seminar of Algebraic Geometry in East Asia
16:15 - 17:15, August 28, 2020 (Friday)
Zoom, Online seminar
(線上演講 Zoom)
Rationality of Quotients of Abelian Varieties and Computer Algebra
Tuyen Trung Truong (University of Oslo)


This talk concerns the question of what variety of the form , where is an Abelian variety and a finite subgroup of , is rational. It is motivated by some interesting geometric and dynamical system questions. Most of the work so far concerns the case where is of the form where is an elliptic curve, and is a finite subgroup of . I will review the current known results and approaches, and explain why it could be necessary to use computer algebra to resolve the question, and a brief discussion on works in this direction (including my ongoing joint work with Keiji Oguiso).


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