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Seminar of Algebraic Geometry in East Asia
16:15 - 17:15, October 8, 2021 (Friday)
broadcast in Room 515, Cosmology Bldg., NTU, Online seminar
(線上演講 於台大次震宇宙館515教室直播/收播)
Spectral Interpretations of Dynamical Degrees
Nguyen-Bac Dang (Université Paris-Saclay)


This talk is based on a joint work with Charles Favre. I will explain how one can control the degree of the iterates of rational maps in arbitrary dimension by applying method from functional analysis. Namely, we endow some particular norms on the space of b-divisors and on the spaces of b-classes and study the eigenvalues of the pullback operator induced by a rational map.
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Passcode: 830392


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