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Korea-Taiwan-Vietnam Joint Seminar in Combinatorics and Analysis
10:00 - , February 24, 2022 (Thursday)
Zoom, Online seminar
(線上演講 Zoom)
Point Configurations from a Universal Standpoint
Alex Iosevich (University of Rochester)

Given a compact subset $E$ of Euclidean space of dimension, and a Frostman measure $\mu$ on this set, we are going to consider operators of the form where is a non-negative kernel or a compactly supported measure. We form a distance graph by taking the points of as vertices and connecting two vertices by an edge if. We are going to see that many of the classical distance set techniques go through in this setting. We will also see that this point of view allows us to recover configurations that would have been difficult to achieve with classical methods. 
Meeting ID: 999 9390 0949
Password: 00089
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