Auditorium, 6F, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 六樓演講廳)
Yamabe Flow on Singular Spaces
Jørgen Olsen Lye (University of Oldenburg)
I will talk about the Yamabe flow on compact spaces with conical singularities (and more generally: smoothly stratified spaces with iterated cone-edge metrics). I will present the classical Yamabe problem, and talk about why the Yamabe flow exists for all time in our setting. I will end by discussing convergence (and failure thereof). This is joint work with Gilles Carron and Boris Vertman, arXiv:2106.01799.
(1) 【 Physical】 You can visit Astro-Math. Building directly and participate in the seminar.
(2) 【 Online】 Online participants must fill the application form below. A link to the meeting will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, due to device limitations. Click here to register: (deadline: 3PM, March 17)