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NCTS Nonlinear PDE and Analysis Seminar
14:20 - 16:00, May 26, 2022 (Thursday)
Cisco Webex, Online seminar
(線上演講 Cisco Webex)
Introduction to the Theory of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equation (II)
Cheng-Pu Lin (Academia Sinica)


This series of lectures is a preparation of "Recent Topics in Well Posedness" for MSRI-NCTS summer school  in July. https://ncts.ntu.edu.tw/events_3_detail.php?nid=208

The main content of this talk will show how to find a weak solution of Navier-Stokes equation. This talk is divided into three parts, first, we introduce the weak solution of the Navier-Stokes equation. Next, we discuss the weak solution of the linear Stokes equation.

Finally, it is necessary to prove the Compactness Lemma, and then, this Lemma help us to show the existence of the Navier-Stokes equation.


WebEx Link: 


Meeting number (access code): 2516 725 0786
Meeting password: TMuV2pc9G3R


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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences