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Seminar of Algebraic Geometry in East Asia
16:15 - 17:15, July 1, 2022 (Friday)
broadcast in Room 515, Cosmology Bldg., NTU, Online seminar
(線上演講 於台大次震宇宙館515教室直播/收播)
Contact Loci and Motivic nearby Cycles of Nondegenerate Singularities
Nguyên Tât Thang (Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)


In this talk, we study polynomials with complex coefficients which are nondegenerate in two senses, one of Kouchnirenko and the other with respect to its Newton polyhedron, through data on contact loci and motivic nearby cycles. We introduce an explicit description of these quantities in terms of the face functions. As a consequence, in the nondegeneracy in the sense of Kouchnirenko, we give calculations on cohomology groups of the contact loci. This is a joint work with Le Quy Thuong.

Link information

Meeting ID: 896 0321 0669
Passcode: 340252


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