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NCTS Nonlinear PDE and Analysis Seminar
14:00 - 15:00, August 11, 2022 (Thursday)
Room 515, Cosmology Building, National Taiwan University + Cisco WebEx, Physical+Online Seminar
(實體+線上演講 台灣大學次震宇宙館515研討室+ Cisco WebEx)
Free Boundary Problem for a Gas Bubble in a Liquid, and Asymptotic Stability of the Manifold of Spherically Symmetric Equilibria
Chen-Chih Lai (Columbia University)


I will give an introduction of an asymptotic system derived by Z. Biro and J. J. L. Velazquez [SIAM J. Math. Anal. 2000] which describes the dynamics of an expanding and contracting gas bubble immersed in an incompressible fluid. This system has a family of spherically symmetric equilibria, which is parametrized by the mass of gas bubble. I will present the proof of the nonlinear asymptotical stability of this manifold of equilibria with respect to small spherically symmetric perturbations. If time allows, I will talk about some open problems and future directions. This talk is based on joint work with Michael I. Weinstein (arXiv:2207.04079).

WebEx Link

Meeting number (access code): 2514 325 0420
Meeting password: NUt6N4sTng7



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