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NCTS Nonlinear PDE and Analysis Seminar
15:30 - 16:30, December 7, 2022 (Wednesday)
broadcast in Room 505, Cosmology Bldg., NTU, Online seminar
(線上演講 於台大次震宇宙館505教室直播/收播)
Stability of the Kolmogorov-Zakharov Spectrum of Weak Turbulence
Charles Collot (CY Cergy Paris Université)


Weakly turbulent waves can be described by the kinetic wave equation. The first part of the talk will present results on the derivation of this effective equation from a microscopic system described by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation. This kinetic wave equation has isotropic steady states called Kolmogorov-Zakharov spectra, that represent cascades of mass and energy between from small spatial scales toward large ones and conversely. The second part of the talk will discuss the stability of the spectrum associated to the indirect mass cascade. This is based on joint works with I. Ampatzoglou, H. Dietert, and P. Germain. 

WebEx  Link: https://nationaltaiwanuniversity-ksz.my.webex.com/nationaltaiwanuniversity-ksz.my/j.php?MTID=m8016a0d2415892acb11924d1c0b658d1

Meeting number (access code): 2510 446 1891
Meeting password: ihKakm6Aw32


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