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Korea-Taiwan-Vietnam Joint Seminar in Combinatorics and Analysis
10:00 - 11:00, February 17, 2023 (Friday)
Zoom, Online seminar
(線上演講 Zoom)
Homomorphism Counts in Robustly Sparse Graphs
Chun-Hung Liu (Texas A&M University)


For a fixed graph H and for arbitrarily large host graphs G, the number of homomorphisms from H to G and the number of subgraphs isomorphic to H contained in G have been extensively studied when the host graphs are allowed to be dense. This talk addresses the case when the host graphs are robustly sparse. We determine, up to a constant multiplicative error, the maximum number of subgraphs isomorphic to H contained in an n-vertex graph in any fixed hereditary graph class with bounded expansion. This result solves a number of open questions and can be generalized to counting the number of homomorphisms from H.

Link Information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87167950828?pwd=UFpHTkcwaDZWTndsRGloRE5yN2tIdz09

Meeting ID: 871 6795 0828
Passcode: 352266


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