Zoom, Online seminar
(線上演講 Zoom)
Nonlinear Stability of Kerr for Small Angular Momentum
Jeremie Szeftel (Sorbonne Université)
In the first hour, I will introduce the Einstein equations and the corresponding evolution problem. I will then review some of the technics used in the stability of Minkowski. I will end the first hour by presenting Kerr black holes and the Kerr stability conjecture. In the second hour, I will recall the history of the Kerr stability conjecture. I will then focus on a recent work on the resolution of the black hole stability conjecture for small angular momentum.
Link Information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83947062412?pwd=ZGpyd2c4U0h0S0dGZTZQQlB0WlczQT09
Meeting ID: 839 4706 2412
Passcode: 185133