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NCTS Number Theory Seminar
10:30 - 11:30, November 17, 2023 (Friday)
Room 509, Cosmology Building, NTU
(臺灣大學次震宇宙館 509研討室)
On the Formula of the Norms of Miyawaki Lifts
Nozomi Ito (National Taiwan University)


In a 2006 paper, Ikeda introduced a lifting of Siegel modular forms using the block diagonal restrictions of Ikeda lifts as kernel functions. This lifting is now called Miyawaki lifting. In the same paper, Ikeda gave a conjectural formula of the norms of Miyawaki lifts, but it has not been proven yet. In this talk, I will show that the conjectural formula can be rewritten into an Ichino-Ikeda type formula.


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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences