Room 505, Cosmology Building, NTU
(臺灣大學次震宇宙館 505室)
The $p$-adic constant for mock modular forms and the degree of the modular parametrization of CM elliptic curves
Ryota Taijima (Kyushu University)
be a normalized newform and
be a harmonic Maass form that is good for
. The
-adic properties of the holomorphic part
has been studied by many authors. K. Bringmann et al. corrected
to a
-adic modular form by a certain
-adic constant
. When
has a complex multiplication by an imaginary quadratic field
is split in
p ∤
N, it is known that
. On the other hand, we do not know much about
for an inert prime
. In this talk, we consider a weight
normalized CM form
with rational integer Fourier coefficients. Then we have the map
to a CM elliptic curve
by Eichler-Shimura construction. The speaker showed that
is a
-adic unit for almost all inert primes. I will explain this result in this talk.
Organizer: Ming-Lun Hsieh (NTU)