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NCTS Differential Geometry Seminar
16:00 - 17:00, May 23, 2024 (Thursday)
Room 515, Cosmology Building, National Taiwan University + Cisco WebEx, Physical+Online Seminar
(實體+線上演講 台灣大學次震宇宙館515研討室+ Cisco WebEx)
Generalization of Atiyah-Patodi-Singer Index Theorem
Ryosuke Takahashi (National Cheng Kung University)

In 1975, M. Atiyah, V. Patodi and I. Singer generalized Atiyah-Singer index theorem on manifolds with boundary. It describes the index for an elliptic boundary problem by the integral of -genus on M and an eta invariant defined on . A Further generalization was studied by Weichung Chou, Fangyun Yang, which describes the index theorem on manifolds with degenerate boundaries. In this talk, we will discuss a more general case: Manifolds with stratified boundaries and the corresponding index theorems.
Meeting number (access code): 2513 890 8047
Meeting password: hpXbnJnD558 (47926563 when dialing from a phone or video system)
Organizers: Nicolau Sarquis Aiex (NTNU), Chung-Jun Tsai (NTU), Siao-Hao Guo (NTU)


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