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NCTS Number Theory Seminar
10:00 - 11:00, July 3, 2024 (Wednesday)
Room 515, Cosmology Building, NTU
(臺灣大學次震宇宙館 515研討室)
On Conway-Schneeberger Type Theorems in Characteristic 2
Yong Hu (Southern University of Science and Technology)

A famous theorem of Conway and Schneeberger asserts that any positive definite quadratic form with integer Gram matrix represents all positive integer values if it represents all the integers between 1 and 15. Over a polynomial ring with coefficients in a finite field of characteristic different from 2, a theorem of the same type as Conway and Schneeberger's was proved independently by Chan-Daniels and by Kim-Wang-Xu. In this talk we discuss an analogous result in characteristic 2. This is a joint work in progress with Fei Xu. 
Organizer: Ting-Yu Lee (NTU)


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