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NCTS Webinar on Nonlinear Evolutionary Dynamics
14:30 - 16:00, October 30, 2024 (Wednesday)
Cisco Webex, Online seminar
(線上演講 Cisco Webex)
Cancelled: PDE Heteroclinicity and Blow-up: a Tale of Two Siblings in Complex Times
Bernold Fiedler (Free University of Berlin)


The global dynamics of the real dissipative quadratic heat equation

and its younger time-reversible, complex-valued ``Schrödinger'' sibling

seem to have little in common.
Consider , with Neumann boundary conditions. By its gradient-like structure, all real eternal non-equilibrium orbits of (*) are heteroclinic among equilibria . Nonhomogeneous real of Morse index are rescaled real-valued Weierstrass elliptic functions .

We show that real heteroclinic orbits are accompanied by finite-time blow-up, via analytic extension to imaginary time s. In particular, there exist such that the sibling in (**), of in (*), blows up at some finite real time .

Technically, however, we have to assume asymptotically stable target equilibria W. We also have to except a discrete set of , and are currently limited to unstable dimensions , or to fast unstable manifolds at of dimensions .

Meeting number (access code): 2511 876 3862 
Meeting password: nZJh2r9Hzx2
Organizers: Chueh-Hsin Chang (CCU), Jia-Yuan Dai (NTHU), Bo-Chih Huang (CCU), Chih-Chiang Huang (CCU), Alejandro López-Nieto (NTU), Chang-Hong Wu (NYCU)


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