Cisco Webex, Online seminar
(線上演講 Cisco Webex)
Robustness of Pushed and Pulled Invasion Fronts in Singularly Perturbed Reaction-diffusion Systems
Matt Holzer (George Mason University)
When studying invasion fronts in systems of reaction-diffusion equations one often considers asymptotic limits where a system parameter is taken to be asymptotically large or small. In this limit, it is sometimes possible to obtain a reduced equation which is more amenable to analysis. This talk will focus on mathematical techniques to justify this reduction. Using a combination of geometric singular perturbation theory and persistence results under regular perturbations, we show that the pushed and pulled fronts obtained in the reduced system persist for the full system. The primary example to be considered is a logistic Keller-Segel equation with chemorepulsion. This is joint work with Montie Avery and Arnd Scheel.
Meeting number (access code): 2514 217 4773
Meeting password: uNYyBydj523
Organizers: Chueh-Hsin Chang (CCU), Jia-Yuan Dai (NTHU), Bo-Chih Huang (CCU), Chih-Chiang Huang (CCU), Alejandro López-Nieto (NTU), Chang-Hong Wu (NYCU)