R202, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 202室)
Boundedness in Algebraic Geometry, II
Paolo Cascini (Imperial College London &
Jungkai Chen (NCTS )
Over the last few years, the study of pluricanonical maps (for varieties of general type) and
pluri-anticanonical maps (for Fano varieties) has played a crucial role in birational geometry.
I will survey, many of these results, starting from the work of
Hacon-McKernan and, later on, generalised by Hacon-McKernan-Xu.
Date and Time:
Lecture 1, 3/18 (Fri), 11:00-11:50 @Rm 440
Lecture 2, 3/21 (Mon), 11:00-11:50 @Rm 202
Lecture 3, 3/25 (Fri), 11:00-11:50 @Rm 440