R201, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 201室)
Uniqueness for the two dimensional Calderón's problem with unbounded conductivities
Catalin Carstea (NCTS)
The inverse conductivity problem, first discussed by Calderón, consists of determining the conductivity of the interior of an object from measurements of electrical potential and current taken on the boundary. One aspect of this problem is uniqueness: weather or not two different conductivity functions might give rise to the same set of boundary measurements. This question has been considered for different spatial dimensions and under various assumptions on the regularity of the conductivity function.
In the case of two dimensions, [Brown and Uhlmann, 1997] established the uniqueness for conductivities in
. [Astala and Päivärinta, 2006] proved the uniqueness for conductivities in
We prove a global uniqueness result for Calderón's problem in two dimensions with conductivities in
. This condition allows for the conductivity to be unbounded. One example would be
. The choice of the Sobolev space
for the condu.