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Taipei Postdoc Seminar
11:00 - 12:30, November 23, 2016 (Wednesday)
R638, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 638室)
A Promenade Along Modern Algebraic Number Theory
Nadim Rustom (NCTS)

Number Theory is one of the oldest mathematical sciences. It has a special position within mathematics in the sense that every development in every other mathematical discipline has somehow contributed to new insights into Number Theory. In this informal talk, I would like to take you through the rapid developments that occured through the last century, starting with Class Field Theory, and going through Galois representations, modular forms, and ending with the crowning achievement which is the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.


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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences