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Matrix Computation and its Applications
10:30 - 12:00, November 24, 2016 (Thursday)
SC317, National Chiao Tung University Science Building III
(國立交通大學科學三館 SC317)
Several Linear/nonlinear Matrix Equations Arising from Simulations of Quantum Transport
Heng Tian (University of Hong Kong)

It is well known that surface Green’s function g(ω) arising from simulation of quantum transport is characterized by the nonlinear matrix equation X + AᵀX⁻¹A = Q,in which both the matrices A, Q depend on ω, under non-orthogonal basis set. Starting from this matrix equation, we will investigate the asympotics of g(ω) = X⁻¹ and the self-energy Σ(ω) = Aᵀ(ω)g(ω)A(ω), as ω → ∞. In this talk, we will see some
unexpected and interesting connections between this topic and classical linear/nonlinear matrix, e.g. discrete-time Lyapunov equation, discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation and others. Then, based on these results, the algorithm to calculate g(ω) + g(−ω), Σ(ω) + Σ(−ω) with ω → ∞ and g(ω + ε) − g(ω − ε) with |ε| ≪ ω, free from catastrophic cancellation will be proposed. Finally, some open questions and challenges will be discussed.


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