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NCTS-Student Seminar on Algebraic Geometry
08:30 - 10:00, December 26, 2016 (Monday)
R440, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 440室)
Construction of Quot Schemes
Niklas Lemcke (National Taiwan University)



In this series of talk, we exhibit in detail the construction of Gronthendieck's Quot Schemes. The rst talk is 8 to 10 am on Thursday, 12/15.


Ch. 1: Quot functors (Niklas Lemcke)

Ch. 2: Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity (Chi-Kang Chang)


The other talks are from 8:30 to 10:00 am.

Ch. 3: Semi-Continuity and Base-Change (Niklas Lemcke, M, 12/19)

Ch. 4: Generic Flatness and Flattening Stratication (Chi-Kang Chang,Th, 12/22)

Ch. 5: Construction of Quot Schemes (Niklas Lemcke, M, 12/26)

Ch. 6: Some Variants and Applications (Chi-Kang Chang, Th, 12/29)




Nitsure, N. Construction of Hilbert and Quot schemes. FAG:


Grothendiecks FGA explained, 105137. arXiv



For more information, please refer to www.ncts.ntu.edu.tw, or contact seminar@ncts.ntu.edu.tw.


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