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An Extension Theorem for LC Pairs

October 14, 2016

R202, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU

Invited Speakers:
Tsz On Mario Chan (National Taiwan University)
Shin-Yao Jow (National Tsing Hua University)
Zheng-yu Hu (Zhejiang University)
Wan Keng Cheong (National Cheng Kung University)

Jungkai Chen (National Taiwan University)
Ching-Jui Lai (National Cheng Kung University)

Program  (10:00~17:00)



Speaker: Shin-Yao Jow (NTHU)

Title: Is the Fujita-Zariski Eecomposition the Same as the Nakayama-Zariski Decomposition?

Abstract: Let  be a smooth projective variety. If  is a big -divisor on

, there are two ways to characterize the positive part  of the Zariski

decomposition of :

item  is the largest nef -divisor .item  is the nef  such that for all positive integer .


If  is big, the positive part defined by either of these conditions agrees. If  is merely

pseudoeffective, these two conditions can be suitably generalized, but it is no longer clear

that they define the same decomposition of . We will give an introduction and share

some premature thought about this problem.


Speaker: Tsz On Mario Chan (NCTS)

Title: An Extension Theorem for LC Pairs

Abstract: As shown in the work of Demailly--Hacon--Pu aun, the conjectural nonvanishing

theorem and extension theorem for semi-log-canonical (or even semi-dlt) pairs

imply the existence of good minimal models for klt pairs. The extension theorem for plt

pairs is also shown to hold true in the same work. The extension theorem for the dlt case

with a stronger assumption is then proved by Gongyo and Matsumura.

In this talk, a proof of the extension theorem for (semi-)log-canonical pairs is presented.

The proof follows the lines in the proof of Demailly--Hacon--Pu aun and makes use of the

techniques in the latest -extension theorem of Demailly.This is a joint work with

Young-Jun Choi in Greonoble.


Speaker: Zhengyu Hu (NCTS)

Title: Log Canonical Pairs over Varieties with Maximal Albanese Dimension

Abstract: Let  be a log canonical pair over a normal variety  with maximal

Albanese dimension. If  is relatively abundant over , for example, 

is relatively big over , then we prove that  is abundant. In particular, the

subadditvity of Kodaira dimensions

holds, where  is a general fiber, , and  means the

Kodaira dimension of a smooth model of . I will also discuss the log Iitaka conjecture

for log canonical pairs.]


Speaker: Wan Keng Cheong (NCKU)

Title: On SYM-HILB Correspondence

Abstract: The crepant resolution conjecture predicts a SYM-HILB correspondence between

the orbifold quantum cohomology of the symmetric product of  and the quantum

cohomology of the Hilbert scheme of points on , where  is any smooth surface. I

would like to present my current project on the correspondence for a certain class of




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