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NCTS Workshop on Singularities, Linear Systems, and Fano Varieties

Poster : events_1_124170201383428872.pdf

April 13 - 16, 2017

R202, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU

Invited Speakers:
Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy)
Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge& Tsinghua University)
Yifei Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yoshinori Gongyo (University of Tokyo)
Jingjun Han (Johns Hopkins University)
Kenta Hashizume (University of Tokyo)
Chen Jiang (Fudan University)
Yusuke Nakamura (University of Tokyo)
Joe Waldron (University of Cambridge)
Jinsong Xu (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)
Zheng-yu Hu (Zhejiang University)
Ching-Jui Lai (National Cheng Kung University)

Jungkai Chen (National Taiwan University)
Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge& Tsinghua University)
Yujiro Kawamata (University of Tokyo& NCTS)

[1] Anti-pluricanonical systems on Fano varieties.
[2] Singularities of linear systems and boundedness of Fano varieties.
[3] Effectivity oflitaka fibrations and pluricanonical systems of polarized pairs.
Talk 1: Introduction to [1] -Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge) 
Talk 2: Preliminaries, section 2 of [1] -Yusuke Nakamura (University of Tokyo)
Talk 3: Adjunction, section 3 of [1] -Joe Waldron (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Talk 4: Eective birationality, section 4 of [1] -Chen Jiang (Kavli Institute for The Physics and Mathematics of The Universe)
Talk 5: Eective birationality II, section 4 of [1] -Chen Jiang (Kavli Institute for The Physics and Mathematics of The Universe)
Talk 6: Special BAB, section 5 of [1] -Jingjun Han (Peking University)
Talk 7: Generalized pairs, basic denitions and results of [3] -Jungkai Chen (NCTS/NTU)
Talk 8: Complements, section 6 of [1] -Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy)
Talk 9: Complements 11, section 6 of [1] -Florin Ambro (Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy)
Talk 10: Exceptional pairs, section 7 of [1] -Yifei Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Talk 11: Exceptional pairs II, section 7 of [1] -Yifei Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Talk 12: Relative complements, anti-canonical volumes etc, sections 8, 9, IO of [1] -Ching-Jui Lai (NTU)
Talk 13: Introduction to [2] -Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge)
Talk 14: Preliminai•ies, section 2 of [2] -Kenta Hashizume (Kyoto University)
Talk 15: Le thresholds of Fano's, section 3 of [2] -Zhengyu Hu (NCTS)
Talk 16: Local-global complements, section 4 of [2] -Jinsong Xu (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)
Talk 17: Singularities of linear systems, section 5 of [2] -Yoshinori Gongyo (University of Tokyo)
Talk 18: Singularities of linear systems II, section 5 of [2] -Yoshinori Gongyo (University of Tokyo)
Talk 19: Conclusion: BAB etc, section 6 of [2] -Caucher Birkar (University of Cambridge)

Contact: Peggy Lee,peggylee@ncts.ntu.edu.tw, 02-3366-8815

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