R440, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
Shu-Cheng Chang (National Taiwan University)
Jungkai Chen (National Taiwan University)
Steven Lu (Université du Québec à Montréal )
Aim & Scope:
The workshop consists of two series of mini-courses and several topical talks given by leading experts in complex geometry and related fields. We hope to introduce this active research area to our young members and encourage more collaboration between researchers as well.
Distinguished Lecture Speaker:
Yum-Tong Siu:Harvard University
Mini Course Speakers:
Vestislav Apostolov: Université du Québec à Montréal (2 lectures of 1 hour and 20 minutes)
-Title:The weighted Calabi problem in Kahler and Sasaki geometry
Julien Keller: Aix-Marseille University (3 lectures of 1 hour and 20 minutes)
-Title:Donaldson's J-flow and the Kähler cone: analytic and algebraic aspects
Invited Speakers:
Nathan Grieve: Michigan State University
Eiji Inoue: University of Tokyo
Chien Lin:Yau Mathematical Sciences Center,Tsinghua University
Hajime Tsuji: Sophia University
Damin Wu: University of Connecticut
Saikee Yeung: Purdue University
Yih Sung:Utah State University
Agenda Download:(click here,please)
Title & Abstract:(click here,please)
Travel Funding:
We have some travel funding for graduate students and post-doctoral participants. To request funding: please register here and submit a copy of your CV (a brief letter of recommendation is also preferred) to Ms. Peggy (peggylee@ncts.tw)by April 15, 2019 as instructed there. We will inform applicants individually about support decisions by April 29, 2019.
All participants (except invited speakers and organizers) are required to register here by May 21, 2019. For those who need assistance of application for Entry Permit to Taiwan (China passport holder) or Visa Applying, please register by April 15. The registration is free. For those junior participants who request funding, please register by April 15, 2019.
Contact: Peggy Lee (peggylee@ncts.tw)