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MARCH (Medical AI Research Collaboration Hub) Workshop

Poster : events_1_2211907092142168331.pdf

July 10 - 12, 2019

R202, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU

Invited Speakers:
Ghazi Bouabene (University of Basel)
Anthony B. Costa (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Yipeng Hu (University College London)
Sarang Joshi (The University of Utah)
Wen-Jeng Lee (National Taiwan University Hospital)
Wen-Wei Lin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University )
Marcel Luethi (University of Basel)
Mathias Unberath (Johns Hopkins University)
Jared Vicory (Kitware, Inc)

Anthony B. Costa (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Eric Oermann (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai)
Cheyu Hsu (National Taiwan University Hospital)
David Liao (National Taiwan University Hospital)
Weichung Wang (National Taiwan University)

Aim & Scope:

MARCH is a year-long educational and research development program aimed to guide students and researchers along medical artificial intelligence projects with real-world impact for healthcare patients and providers around the world. The program is organized around a workshop series in key topic areas to provide participants with comprehensive technical knowledge and thought leadership in the area of medical AI. Throughout the program, participant teams will form and be mentored by the organizers and invited faculty as they develop their project. Participants will have access to a broad range of resources provided by our sponsor and organizing institutions, including events held both in Taiwan and the United States.


Our goal is to provide an environment where true international, interdisciplinary collaboration can foster the development of new AI technologies to meet critical needs in healthcare. We believe strongly that success in this field requires long-term, deep collaboration between medicine, mathematics, and computer science. Our program is therefore open to physicians, researchers, students, and scientists, all of whom have a key role to play in the future of healthcare technology.


Conference Website:http://tiny.cc/xqa77y


Medical AI Research Collaboration Hub (MARCH) 系列活動

人工智慧在醫療領域有著極大的應用潛力,也是現今非常受到重視的研究方向。國家理論科學中心、美國西奈山醫學院、台大醫院內科部、與科技部/台大全幅健康照護中心,於2019 年共同成立Medical AI Research Collaboration Hub (MARCH),舉辦一系列活動。我們邀請來自美、英、法、瑞士、日本以及台灣等多個國家,著名學術與產業界專家學者,從醫學、計算、數學、統計、資訊與產業等多個面向,深入探討各個相關主題,促進交流與合作。第一波活動簡介如下,亮眼陣容機會難得,內容精彩可期,活動名額有限,歡迎儘速報名!



我們將於7/10-12 舉辦MARCH Workshop on Statistical and Shape-based Image Analysis With Applications in Medicine (http://tiny.cc/dz967y)。這個工作坊包含statistical shape modeling 與medical AI 兩個實作課程、六場專題演講,以及一個海報展。在海報展中,除了提供參與者展示研究成果的舞台,亦有機會與工作坊演講學者當面討論,尋求合作機會。



在人工智慧高效能計算方面,將由來自日本東京工業大學、東京大學、與美國IBM 的學者專家,透過三個短期課程(http://tiny.cc/zea77y),分別於7/1-4, 7/15-19 與8/12-16,講授「大規模深度學習」、「平行與GPU 計算」、「雲端計算與機器學習」三個重要方向的基礎知識與最新發展。



國家理論科學中心提供1-2 個團隊補助名額,可前往美國紐約參與西奈山醫學院於今年10/11-13 舉辦之Mount Sinai Health Hackathon,以及10/15-16 SINAInnovations。欲申請此補助經費之團隊需參與MARCH 工作坊第三天(7/12) 下午的海報展,相關細節詳見NCTS Health Travel Award 網站(http://tiny.cc/bxi77y)。

所有資訊詳見:http://tiny.cc/xqa77y。若有任何疑問,歡迎來信aimia.contact.us@gmail.com (聯絡人:劉馥瑤小姐)

Contact: Ms. Claire Liu, Tel: +886-2-3366-8819, Email: claireliu@ncts.ntu.edu.tw

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