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Quantum Information Science (QIS) and Mathematics

Poster : events_1_2782009110720144359.jpg

October 17, 2020

R202, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
Ming-Lun Hsieh (National Taiwan University)
Yng-Ing Lee (National Taiwan University& NCTS)
Ray-Kuang Lee (National Tsing Hua University)

Aim & Scope:

Quantum Information Science (QIS) has emerged in many disciplines among physical sciences, materials science, computer science, mathematics, and engineering, for the demands for novel computers, secure communication, and higher resolution sensors to go beyond the scaling limits of classical technologies. As the mother of all the sciences, mathematics definitely is involved everywhere in QIS.  This activity aims to initiate the dialogue between researchers in QIS and mathematicians in Taiwan.  In our first contact, theorists from the foundation of quantum mechanics, quantum error-correcting codes, quantum communication protocols/channel capacity theory, and quantum cryptography/quantum complexity theory will introduce the terminologies, mathematical structures, unsolved problems, and the application targets to mathematicians. Concepts and paradigms will be stressed from scratch, in order to provide the fundamental knowledge and tools necessary for any possible exploration and collaboration.

Invited Speakers:

Hao-Chung Cheng (National Taiwan University)

Kai-Min Chuang (Academia Sinica)

Ching-Yi Lai (National Chiao Tung University)

Ray-Kuang Lee (National Tsing Hua University)

Program: (20200911version)

10:00-10:10 Opening  (Yng-Ing Lee, National Taiwan University)

10:10-10:50 Non-Hermitian Extension of Quantum Mechanics (Ray-Kuang Lee, National Tsing Hua University)

10:50-11:10 Break

11:10-11:50 Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Complexity (Kai-Min Chuang, Academic Sinica)

11:50- 13:30 Lunch break/ discussions

13:30- 14:10 Quantum Error-Correcting Codes (Ching-Yi Lai, National Chiao Tung University)

14:10- 14:30 Break

14:30- 15:10 Quantum Communication Theory (Hao-Chung Cheng, National Taiwan University)

15:10- 16:00 Tea time and discussion

 Please kindly register by noon time (12:00) on Oct. 5th.

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/Xro4oQ5gYrLpRQaa9

Organizers:  NCTS Mathematics Devision , NCTS Physics Devision

Contact: Peggy Lee (peggylee@ncts.tw)

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences