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2015 NCTS: Mathematical Modeling on Epigenetic Regulation of Gene Expression

October 29 - 30, 2015

Lecture Room A, 4th Floor, The 3rd General Building, NTHU
Je-Chiang Tsai (National Tsing Hua University)
Sze-Bi Hsu (National Tsing Hua University)

Epigenetic modifications in the genome play a crucial role in transcriptional control and aberrant epigenetic modification is now considered as a hallmark of cancer. To understand epigenetic modifications in a specific type of cancer, it is important to understand the regulation network of cell signaling. However, due to the restriction of experimental techniques and laboratory budgets, it is difficult to determine the effect of actual regulatory network of the signaling pathways on the global genomic scale. To overcome this issue, mathematical modeling can play a key role in deciphering the complex epigenetic control and facilitate biological experiments. 
This two-day conference is a meeting forum for researchers from experimental and theoretical fields, modeling, and applied mathematics, and is devoted to facilitating scientific exchange of ideas between biologists and applied mathematicians, and initiating new collaborative partnerships.
Invited Speakers
Baltazar D. Aguda (Disease Pathways LLC, USA)
Carla Bosia (Human Genetics Foundation Torino)
Hsueh-Tse Cheng (National Chung Cheng University)
Chao-Ping Hsu (Academia Sinica)
Tsung-Lin Liu (National Cheng Kung University)
Chih-Wen Shih (National Chiao Tung University)
Kim Sneppen (University of Copenhagen)

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