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NCTS URP / RA Summer Research Reports 夏季研究成果報告

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June 27, 2022

Room 515, Cosmology Bldg., National Taiwan University + Cisco Webex, Online + Onsite Course
Yuan-Chung Sheu (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University )

Venue: Online + R515, Cosmology Bldg., NTU 

WebEx Online Link:  

    Meeting number (access code): 2511 317 4420
    Meeting password: Y6GjJj9bcR3

Aim and Scope:

NCTS URP/USRP/RA are three main programs to foster talent undergraduate students in Taiwan. Under the supervision of their chosen mentors, students learn deep and interesting topics for their future studies in mathematics and applied mathematics. In this one-day meeting, students can share their research results and also make good connections with other students and researchers.

Invited NCTS RA Speakers 

姓名 Name
張晉嘉 Chin-Chia Chang
陳冠廷 Guan-Ting Chen
鄭宇皓 Yu-Hao Cheng
洪國棟 Guo-Dong Hong
黃雍晉 Yong-Jin Huang
高暐竣 Wei-Jiun Kao
蘇爽 Shuang Su

Invited Student Speakers 

姓名 Name Affiliation
張詠信 Yung-Xin Chang  NTU
張華炘 Hua-Shin Chang NTHU
陳沅綦 Yuan-Chi  Chen NTU
陳毅鴻 Yi-Hong Chen  NTU
姜鈞 Chun Chiang NSYSU
邱能泰 Neng-Tai Chiu  NYCU
周子涵 Tzu-Han Chou NCCU
郝嘉誠 Chia-Cheng Hao NYCU
蕭明 Ming Hsiao  NTU
黃俊皓 Jun-Hao Huang  NTNU
洪梵雲 Fan-Yun Hung  NTU
李永丞 Yung-Chen Li  NTU
劉耀聰 Yao-Cong Liu  NTU
蘇品丞 Pin-Cheng Su NTU
曾以諾 Yi-No Tseng NCKU
王溆瑄 Hsu-Hsuan Wang NCHU
顏逸儒 Yi-Ju Yen NTU

Agenda: (as of 2022/06/08)

09:00 - 09:05  主任致詞

09:05 - 09:30  Around Multinorm One Tori II  

                       Speakers: 洪梵雲(NTU)、黃俊皓(NTNU)

                       Mentor: 余家富

09:30 - 09:55  Class Field Theory

                       Speakers: 李永丞(NTU)、劉耀聰(NTU)

                       Mentor: 李庭諭

09:55 - 10:25  On K3 Surfaces: Fibrations, Automorphisms and Some Applications

                       Speakers: 陳沅綦(NTU)、蘇品丞(NTU)、陳毅鴻(NTU)

                       Mentor: 陳榮凱

10:25 - 10:35  Break

10:35 - 10:50  Long-Time Asymptotics for the KdV Equation via  Riemann-Hilbert Problem

                       Speaker: 姜鈞(NSYSU)

                       Mentor: 黃信元

10:50 - 11:05  Linear Algebraic Approach to Equiangular Lines

                       Speaker: 高暐竣(NCTS)

                       Mentor: 俞韋亘

11:05 - 11:35  Random Projection, Phase Analysis and its Medical Applications

                       Speakers: 邱能泰(NYCU)、郝嘉誠(NYCU)、蘇彥維(NYCU) 、曾以諾(NCKU)

                       Mentor: 劉聚仁

11:35 - 12:00  Radom Matrix Models in Free Probability

                       Speakers: 蕭明(NTU)、周子涵(NCCU)

                       Mentor: 黃皓瑋

12:00 - 13:30  Lunch Break

13:30 - 13:45  Emmrich and Weinstein's Construction of Formal Flat Connections

                       Speaker: 張華炘(NTHU)

                       Mentor: 廖軒毅

13:45 - 14:00  Computation of Modular Units over Function Fields

                       Speaker: 陳冠廷(NCTS)

                       Mentor: 魏福村

14:00 - 14:15  A Heat Kernel Proof of Kodaira Embedding Theorem

                       Speaker: 蘇爽(NCTS)

                       Mentor: 蕭欽玉

14:15 - 14:30  On the Third Coefficient of Berezin-Toeplitz Star Product

                       Speaker: 張晉嘉(NCTS)

                       Mentor: 蕭欽玉

14:30 - 14:40  Break

14:40 - 15:05  Synchrosqueezed Chirplet Transforms for Cubic Phase Function

                       Speakers: 顏逸儒(NTU)、張詠信(NTU)

                       Mentor: 沈俊嚴

15:05 - 15:20  Falconer's Distance Conjecture and the Angle Problem

                       Speaker: 洪國棟(NCTS)

                       Mentor: 沈俊嚴

15:20 - 15:35  Eigenvalue Analysis of Spectral Methods in Ptychography

                       Speaker: 王溆瑄(NCHU)

                       Mentor: 陳鵬文

15:35 - 15:50  Geometry in Chemical Reaction Networks

                       Speaker: 黃雍晉(NCTS)

                       Mentors: 蔡志強、謝志豪

15:50 - 16:05  Fundamental Study of Numerical PDEs

                       Speaker: 鄭宇皓(NCTS)

                       Mentor: 楊肅煜

16:05 - 16:30  主任總結與意見交流



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