Room 515, Cosmology Building, NTU
Chung-Jun Tsai (National Taiwan University)
Mao-Pei Tsui (National Taiwan University)
Mu-Tao Wang (Columbia University)
Aim & Scope
In this mini forum, we aim to invite young students and young researchers in geometric analysis to introduce their current works and explore new ideas. The main purpose is to create an environment for young students and young researchers to discuss with each other and senior geometric analysts. One of the main reasons to organize this forum is to give young geometric analysts more chances to present their work and/or to broaden their view.
Invited Speakers
李冠輝 UC Irvine
郭孝豪 NTU
郭子模 NTU
高尉庭 NTU
黃垣熊 NCTS
望開翔 Northwestern University
李秉鴻 NTU
蕭明 NTU
許嘉麟 NTU
Structure and Preparation
Each speaker will have 20 minutes to present their work and interact with senior researchers to broaden their research view.
The schedule is the following.
14:00-14:20 talk 1
14:20-14:40 talk 2
14:40-15:00 talk 3
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-15:50 talk 4
15:50-16:10 talk 5
16:10-16:30 talk 6
16:30-17:00 Break
17:00-17:20 talk 7
17:20-17:40 talk 8
Registration by invitation.
Contact: Peggy Lee (