Room 515+Online Meeting, Cosmology Building, NTU
Gateway to the World-Student Presentations after Academic Visits Abroad
2024 海外暑期學校參與學員心得與課程內容分享 (II)
時間: 2024年9月20日(五)
地點: 台灣大學次震宇宙館R515
WebEx 線上參與:
報告主題 (點選課程名稱連結,您可以找到更多該課程的詳細內容,包括課程介紹、上課影片和講義等)
課程名稱A. Introduction to the theory of algebraic curves
課程名稱B. Particle interactive systems: analysis and computational methods
課程名稱C. Multigradedand differential graded methods in commutative algebra
課程名稱D. Mathematics of general relativity and fluids
報名請按我(報名截止日: 2024.09.19 中午12:00 )
12:00-12:30 報到
12:30-13:30 心得經驗分享、綜合座談
13:30-14:00 陳嵩昀 (課程A 重點分享)
14:00-14:20 休息
14:20-14:50 梁孟豪 (課程B 重點分享)
14:50-15:20 林芮吟 (課程C 重點分享)
15:20-15:30 休息
15:30-16:00 李秉鴻 (課程D 重點分享)
【Title】 Morphisms from curves to projective space 報告人:陳嵩昀
【Abstract】In this talk, we consider algebraic curves over C. I will first introduce some basic facts about algebraic curves and then use these facts, along with elementary methods, to investigate special cases of curves in projective space. Finally, I will state the result of Brill-Noether theory, which tells us when a given algebraic curve admits a morphism to the projective space Pr.
【Abstract】報告人: 梁孟豪
a) Saffirio 教授講述粒子碰撞過程與其後的波茲曼方程(Boltzmann equation)的推導,並且展示出目前的一個開放問題:磁場在短距勢(short range potential)模型之下的碰撞核(Collision kernel)為何?
b) Golse 教授分兩大主題講述,其一是量子行為,另一個是利用希爾伯特展開(Hilbert expansion)連結流體力學與波茲曼方程。
c) Gamba 教授講述自己的研究,以常微分方程理論(ODE theory)+碰撞算子(Collision operator)的估計對齊次波茲曼方程(Homogeneous Boltzmann equation)的解的存在唯一性做出了解。
d) Lin Qi 教授用隨機微分方程(Stochastic differential equations)的手法切入碰撞問題。
【Abstract】報告人: 林芮吟
This summer school focuses on modern homological techniques in commutative algebra, specifically those involving differential graded structures. Michael mainly introduced the Koszul complex and the special correspondence (Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand, BGG). Claudia covered differential graded algebra resolutions, complete intersections, and Koszul algebras. I will share the definition of the Koszul complex, how to build a free resolution with a differential graded algebra structure, and how to use Macaulay2 to compute resolutions.
【Abstract】報告人: 李秉鴻
In this talk, I will introduce basic concepts of general relativity. Then, I will briefly discuss several research problems, including the existence of naked singularities and the shock development problem.
Contact: Lucy Chang ( TEL: 02-3366-8811