Room 515+Online Meeting, Cosmology Building, NTU
Kei Yuen Chan (University of Hong Kong)
Shu-Yen Pan (National Tsing Hua University)
Wan-Yu Tsai (National Central University)
Kayue Daniel Wong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong ,Shenzhen)
Aim & Scope
Representation theory of Lie groups studies spatial symmetries of vector spaces and is deeply connected to areas like harmonic analysis, noncommutative geometry and number theory. Notable advances include the orbit philosophy, which links orbit spaces to the unitary dual, and the Langlands program, connecting automorphic representations with number theory. In this workshop, we will cover various aspects of representations of reductive groups over local fields, such as unitary dual, branching problems and questions related to the Langlands program.
Invited Speakers
Alexandre Afgoustidis (CNRS & Universit’e de Lorraine)
Dan Barbasch (Cornell University)
Dan Ciubotaru (University of Oxford)
Jing-Song Huang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen)
Toshiyuki Kobayashi (University of Tokyo)
Ruben Man La La (University of Hong Kong)
Jia-Jun Ma (Xiamen University)
Kyo Nishiyama (Aoyama Gakuin University)
Emile Okada (National University of Singapore)
Yoshiki Oshima (University of Tokyo)
Shu-Yen Pan (National Tsing Hua University)
Pavle Pandzic (University of Zagreb)
Birgit Speh (Cornell University)
Cheng-Chiang Tsai (Academia Sinica)
Chen-Bo Zhu (National University of Singapore)
Agenda 【Download】
Title & Abstract 【Download】
Registration 【LINK】
Online Meeting Link:
Contact: Peggy Lee (