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Gateway to the World-Student Presentations after Academic Visits Abroad (學術報告)

September 27, 2024

Room 515, Cosmology Building, NTU

Gateway to the World-Student Presentations after Academic Visits Abroad (學術報告)


時間: 2024年9月27日(五)   15:30 ~ 17:00 

地點: 台灣大學次震宇宙館 R515

線上連結: https://nationaltaiwanuniversity-ksz.my.webex.com/nationaltaiwanuniversity-ksz.my/j.php?MTID=m4ee0f7d27de10fcf3bf4ee10b047b73c

報告人: 李永丞 (NTU)


【Title】 Relation between symplectic quotient and GIT quotient

【Abstract】I will first give a brief introduction to symplectic quotient and GIT quotient. Then I will talk about Kempf-Ness theorem which states that symplectic quotient agrees with GIT quotient under some circumstances. Finally, I will give some remarks and applications about the theorem and its proof.



Contact: Lucy Chang (shunwen.chang@ncts.tw) TEL: 02-3366-8811

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences