R201, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
Invited Speakers:
Edmond Chow (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Feng-Nan Hwang (National Central University)
Tsung-Lin Lee (National Sun Yat-sen University)
Yung-Ta Li (Fu-Jen Catholic University)
Shih-Feng Shieh (National Taiwan Normal University)
Daniel B. Szyld (Temple University)
Tsung-Ming Huang (National Taiwan Normal University)
Wen-Wei Lin (National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University )
Weichung Wang (National Taiwan University)
09:30-09:35 Opening
09:35-10:20 Eric Chu
Numerical Solution of Rational Riccati Equations Arising from Stochastic Optimal Control
10:30-11:15 Edmond Chow
New Parallel Iterative Methods with Reduced Communication for Solving Large Sparse Linear Systems
11:25-12:10 Daniel B. Szyld
Preconditioned Solution of the Coupled Stokes-Darcy Flow Problem
12:10-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-14:35 Shih-Feng Shieh
On the Dynamics of a Structure Preserving Flow of Symplectic Matrix Pairs
14:35-15:10 Feng-Nan Hwang
Nonlinear Preconditioning Technique for Full-Space Lagrange-Newton Solution of PDE-Constrained Optimization Problems
15:10-15:40 Break ( Tea Time )
15:40-16:15 Tsung-Lin Lee
Rank Revealing, Updating, and Downdating Problems
16:15-16:50 Yung-Ta Li
A Structured Skew-symmetric Matrix and its Applications in Spectral Penalty Methods
16:50-16:55 Closing
National Center for Theoretical Sciences

The ST Yau Center, National Chiao Tung University

Contact: Peggy Lee,peggylee@ncts.ntu.edu.tw, 02-3366-8815