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Taiwan Mathematics School: Kinetic Theory and Introduction to Shock Wave Theory​​
October: 12,19,26 & November: 2,9,16,23,30 Time 11:20~13:10 and 14:20~16:20
R304, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU

Kazuo Aoki (Kyoto University & National Cheng Kung University)
Tai-Ping Liu (Academia Sinica)

Kung-Chien Wu (National Cheng Kung University & NCTS)


(1) Kinetic theory and fluid dynamics:

(a) Instructor: Kazuo Aoki

(b) Course Outline: brief introduction to kinetic theory of gases, Chapman-Enskog and Hilbert expansions, Sone's generalized slip flow theory (linear theory, weakly nonlinear theory, fully nonlinear theory), ghost effect.

(c) Prerequisite Course(s): Linear algebra and multi-variables calculus.

(d) Grading: Homework will be assigned weekly, and no exam.

(e) Textbook: None. [Reference: Y. Sone, Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics (Birkhauser, 2002); Molecular Gas Dynamics: Theory, Techniques, and Applications (Birkhauser, 2007)]

(2) Introduction to Shock Wave Theory

(a) Instructor: Tai-Ping Liu

(b) Course Outline: weak solutions, entropy conditions, Riemann problem, well-poseness theory, nonlinear waves, non-linear resonance.

(c) Prerequisite Course(s): Linear algebra and multi-variables calculus.

(d) Grading: Homework will be assigned weekly, and no exam.

(e) Textbook: None.


Contact: Murphy Yu, murphyyu@ncts.ntu.edu.tw, 02-3366-8814

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences