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NCTS-NCU Seminar on Gaussian Free Field
Every Thursday 16:00 - 18:00
, Center of Math & Theoretic Physics, NCU

Chin-Cheng Lin (National Central University)
Xiang Fang (National Central University)


Gaussian Free Fields are widely used in Conformal Field Theory by physicists since 1960s, but their mathematical theory took off only after a 2011 breakthrough by Duplantier-Sheffield, who proved a conjecture formulated by physicists. In particular, by the renowned string theorist (A.M. Polyakov) at Princeton. 
In 1981, Polyakov used GFF to propose a theory of random Riemann surface, as a mathematical model for the world sheet in string theory. In 2016, Sheffield was able to define a notion of quantum length for SLE in terms of Polyakov’s framework. We seek to analyze some fine properties of this quantum length. 

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences