R714, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
C. Michael Tsau (Saint Louis University)
Jih-Hsin Cheng (Academia Sinica)
This course teaches fundamentals of 3-manifold topology, which lays the foundation for further in this and other areas involving topology and differentiable manifolds. It also provides general knowledge for the techniques used in the study of 3-manifolds topology.
Lecturer: C. Michael Tsau(曹志誠)
Topics includes:
(1)Dehn’s Lemma and Loop Theorem, Sphere Theorem, and some applications to Knot theory
(2)Connected sum decomposition of 3-manifolds and connected sum of 3-manifolds
(3)Heegaard splittings and genus of 3-manifolds. Classification of genus one orientable and non-orientable 3-manifolds
(4)Fundamental groups of 3-manifolds and Kneser’s conjecture. Incompressible surfaces
Poster: events_3_143180504535454226.pdf